This gold version of the 704 spool 47-704Z is a little different than the very early run green spool.
Sample photo of old style spool (NOT AVAILABLE):

The clicker design was different, making the spools NOT interchangeable.
Per Penn's 1989 schematic of the 704Z:
"Note to owners of Penn Green series of Spinfishers.
All parts are interchangeable between the Green Series and the New Z series except parts 1, 15, 27, 45, 47, 52."
1, 15, 27, 45, and 52 where just differences in cosmetics - newer parts fit but are black.
Only on 47 does the difference become a problem, as the newer clicker does not seat the same. If you don't care about having the clicker, this isn't an issue. To modify the newer 47-704Z spool to work on older green reels, remove the clicker.
This screen is for ordering the GOLD spool, only